Use an updated Chrome browser or Safari browser if possible. The "Jane" software does not adjust well to other browsers. *Use a laptop or computer if at all possible.
Make sure your camera, microphone, and speakers are on and adjusted appropriately. First time users will be prompted to “Allow” their camera and microphone on their device to connect. If you do not “Allow” your camera and microphone to connect, your session will not work and you will have to go back into your email to start over.
Limit other internet usage while in your counselling session. For example, do not stream movies or download music at the same time, even on a different computer on the same network. This may cause the video or audio to freeze or become interrupted.
If you want a "real life" experience as much as possible, try using an HD webcam to provide a crisp image and look at your counsellor
Make sure you are in a light area and limit background noise
Sit between 2 ft to 4 ft from the webcam
If possible, use an ethernet cable to connect directly to your internet source (sometimes a poor Wifi connection can impact call quality)
Make sure that you are in a private environment or wear earphones to avoid unintended individuals from overhearing your session.